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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sopa de Tortilla...and don't you forget it!

I know, I could ya, right?  I'm always going on about it.  It's finer points.  It's deep, earthy flavors.  It's versatility.  It's taste...oh yeah, it's taste....sooooo much tasty taste. Ha!  Believe it or not, I ran across another TS from Mark Bittman.  A man after my own heart...I mean three different TS recipes by the same bloke!?  And for all I know, there's more.  Instead of going out and looking right away, though...I'll wait for it...the element of Supreees!  Now.  In general, I've found that so far I prefer the TS recipes that are broth-based, as opposed to the thicker tomato-based ones.  This one is one of the thicker versions, BUT it actually uses half of the tortilla strips IN the soup, itself.  As in, pureĂ©d INTO the soup. Madness, I tell you.  Brilliant Madness.  Plus, the lime juice in the recipe is actually squeezed and stirred opposed to squeezing wedges over it as garnish.  This has been my favorite thick TS to date! You can seriously taste the grounding corn taking hold of you in each bite!  Like atolĂ©...only completely different.  Oxymoron of the day: Similar Opposites

Sopa de Tortilla
slightly adapted from The Best Recipes in the World by Mark Bittman

1/2 c. neutral oil
6 homemade corn tortillas, cut into 1/4" strips
3 garlic cloves, smashed
1 large onion, quartered
1 dried chiles, preferably pasillas, stemmed, seeded & sliced
3 fresh tomatoes, roasted
6 c. homemade chicken stock
1 c. shredded, cooked chicken
2 Tbs. fresh lime juice
salt & black pepper, to taste
1 c. chopped, fresh cilantro
1 c. crumbled homemade Feta
1 ripe avocado, sliced

Put oil in saucepan over medium-high heat.  When oil is hot, begin to fry tortilla strips in batches until golden brown & crisp.  Drain on paper towels.

Discard all but 2 Tbs. of oil.  Turn the heat to medium, add garlic and onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, ~5 mins.  Add chiles, tomatoes, & half of tortilla strips & cook another 5 minutes.  Pour in chicken stock and bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer ~20 mins. 

Cool slightly.  Using an immersion blender, puree mixture until smooth.  Return to stove over medium-high and stir in chicken.  Season w/ lime juice,salt & pepper.  Garnish w/ cilantro, cheese, avocado and remaining tortilla strips. Serve.

Yup, I give it 3 spoons.  It was rich, complex, satisfying and very delicious...I'd definitely make it again!  Please join me in my quest to find the ULTIMATE Tortilla Soup!!

This is also my IHCC POTLUCK entry this, I'm sending it over to my friend Deb at Kahakai Kitchen for Souper Sundays this week!

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  1. YUM!! I love your Tortilla Soup quest!!

  2. Believe it or not...I never had tortilla soup. The sight of the it just makes so hungry!

  3. Tortilla soup is one of my favorites, and this looks like a dynamite recipe. This and a salad are a perfect summer meals.

  4. Yum! Looks delicious and tasty. My aunt used to put tortilla pieces in her chicken and "dumplings". It worked!

    I love tortilla soup and this looks delicious!

  5. Oh yum, this looks delish! I've bookmarked it to make when the weather is cooler here-soup does not appeal to me when it's 95 degrees.

  6. That sounds good, Jessica!

    Cathy...I agree. I don't understand people who don't love soup in the summer (Lynda...LOL!!)!! Soup is quick and delicious and light...I mean, do people who don't enjoy a soup and sald or soup and sammie meal in the summer ONLY eat cold food all season long!? I love you summer-soup-banners all the same, but I don't getcha ;)

  7. This looks so good--nutritious with a kick of spice.

    I'll have to try this one for sure. Thanks!

  8. One of my favorites and yours looks stunning of course ;]

  9. I think I would love the thickness of this and yeah the tortilla strips mixed in are quite genius.

    I should use oxymorons more often.

  10. I'm with you on the broth based TS, its generally more appealing to me, too. As for soup during the summer? Yeah, I can eat soup ANY TIME. For example? Egg drop soup for my morning snack today. Its 97 degrees outside.... and I don't care! :)

    Oooo I see you're reading Eat, Pray, Love...what do you think so far?

  11. OMG I would love to try tortilla soup someday!

  12. JoAnne...I know, I DO try to use them often. I love them ;)

    BethAnne...I haven't decided yet. It hasn't "grabbed" me, but I keep reading because she's funny and I love the "idea" of what she did...if I didn't have kids & hub I'd totally be all over the world, I know it!! I want to get through it before I see the movie, though...

  13. I like the sound of this with the roasted tomatoes, the tortillas stirred into the soup and the feta know it has to be some good stuff! I think I'm gonna have to break out one of those ghost chiles and use one in another tortilla soup. I'm kinda curious just how hot they really are. Great recipe for the potluck!

  14. Mmm...this one does sound and look wonderful!. btw, how do you take such wonderful soup pictures? goooodness

  15. Yay! This is the one I made for IHCC movie night and I am glad to see you liked it too. (Reaffirms my taste in tortilla soups! lol). I heartily agree with soups in the summer and all year round! ;-) If I didn't I would have to eat cold food all the time here.

    Thanks for sending this to Souper Sundays--where we do celebrate soup all year long! ;-)

  16. great soup, I love pasilla chile, holy mama I just caught a glimpse of buttermilk pops...yummy


  17. OK...I have to make a torilla soup now and join your challenge. I didn't forget about that, but I've never made it before sooooooo......been giving it thought.

    This one looks amazing. Just like all the cool stuff you do..and write :-)

  18. yes KIM...try that, I'd love to hear just how insanely hot they are!

    I thought yours was from HTCEV, Deb?? Wait, that was mine. Duh. LOL!

    Tina...make one!!! and thank u ;)

  19. Haha, you're obsessed! I have a cousin who LOVES tortilla soup like crazy, too. I gotta send this recipe to her!

  20. I love soup year round! This looks so delish! I have never attempted tortilla soup - but as soon as I get that tortilla press thingy I will be trying this!

  21. I have never tried this soup, but it feels old and familiar to me. I think I can imagine the flavors. I've been craving, needing, eagerly wanting to make this for some time. I will! Soon. That's it! Your wonderful post and beautiful pitures leave me with no choice! Thank you. =)

  22. wow what a wonderful soup adore the avocado on the top

  23. Great soup!! Thanks for stopping by my new blog yesterday. BTW, I featured one of your chili recipes on the sidebar. :)

  24. homemade tortillas, homemade feta, home-roasted tomatoes...


    I feel like a slacker...and I am embarrassed that I have never had Tortilla Soup or Sopa de Tortilla.

  25. I can't wait to try this. I love tortilla soup and I never make it. Do you ever make posole? I came across Bobby Flay's posole recipe which I love. His keys are reducing the chicken broth for a more intense flavor and adding two ancho chiles. I'll have to try pasillas though. Or maybe a blend!
    (In case you're interested:

    So happy to have found another Indianan with great taste!

  26. Jose... I LOOOOOVE Posole!! I just blogged it a couple weeks ago...check it out here: . If you do make Tortilla Soup, please link it up with my Tortilla Soup Quest/Challenge...I'm looking for all the recipes/variations I can find!!! And thanks ;) it is good to know there are others out in this state with good taste, LOL!!!

  27. OH! And I'll check out that BF link, too...
