So, I chose Clueless for several reasons:
- It's fun, light, and a little bit ridiculous. I can't watch it without a tingle of nostalgia for plaid mini skirts, knee high socks, and giant safety pins.
- It's December, and there's a Christmas scene. Sort of.
- There's actually a surprising amount of food to be found in it.
- Clueless is a modern interpretation of Jane Austen's novel, Emma. I'm also hosting Fandom Foodies this month, with the theme #JaneAustenBites, where we create recipes inspired by the works of Jane Austen and their derivatives. So, anybody who participates in Food 'n Flix can also share with Fandom Foodies if they want to (more info on the Fandom Foodies event HERE). Two birds, one stone!

How to participate in Food 'n Flix:
- Watch Clueless. Taking inspiration from the film, head into the kitchen and cook or bake or make something.
- Post about it on your blog with a link back to THIS POST and a link to Food 'n Flix. Use of the logo is optional.
- Alternately, post a photo of the dish you made on Instagram (public accounts only). You must include the following in your caption: short intro, recipe, #FoodnFlix and tag (@roadstokitchen).
- You must post must be current (during month of film). And of course we don't mind if your post is linked to other events...the more the merrier.
- Have fun with it!
- Email your entries - both blog and instagram - to me at "" and include:
-name of blog as you want it written (or Instagram account)
-name of the dish/drink you created AND a direct link to your post (blog or Instagram)
-attach a photo or give permission to pull one from your post
-indicate "Food 'n Flix Submission" in the subject line
Submissions are due by the end of the day on Friday, December 29, 2017!